27 Super Bowl Cocktails for Your Game Day Party

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The best Super Bowl drinks for your party are cocktails that are fun, tasty and easy to serve by the glass or in a pitcher. This makes it easy for you to mingle with your guests instead of playing bartender during the big game.

Green Super Bowl drink with lime garnish

You should be able to refill party drinks by simply topping them off, so you don’t have to distract anyone from the action on the TV. Of course, these are also wonderful drinks if you are watching at a bar and wondering what to order.

If you want to make cocktails in team colors, try making Skittles Vodka or Jolly Ranchers Vodka in the best matches you can. You can serve them straight up (they’re pure alcohol, so be forewarned about the strength) or mix them only with clear mixers like Sprite or same-color mixers.

Although this can be a little awkward in years where the teams have virtually the same colors. But you’ll figure something out.

You’ll want to serve some food to go with all these great drinks at your Super Bowl party. Check out this list of Super Bowl snacks. It has everything from light nibblers to finger foods like nachos that will fill you up like a meal.

Best Super Bowl Drinks

These Super Bowl drinks can all be made before the game in pitchers, so you don't have to be making fresh drinks during the game.

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Last Updated:

October 25, 2023