Rum ‘n’ Coke Gummies
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You know Vodka Gummy Bears, right? And those little cola bottle gummies they sell that taste kind of like cola? And rum? You can see where I’m going with this. Rum ‘n’ Coke Gummies!

How to make Rum ‘n’ Coke Gummies
I recently soaked some cola bottle gummies in rum, using the newer, simpler technique I found for the vodka gummy bears.
First, you put the bears in a bowl.

Then you pour in enough rum to cover them. I used Bacardi white rum. You could use a dark rum, a spiced rum, anything that tickles your fancy.
Darker rums may add color, although that probably wouldn’t be a bad thing in this case, given that these are just translucent brown and gold-ish.

After just a few hours, they soak up a good bit of rum. In the picture below, the first gummy is a dry one, the second one has had about four hours of rum, and the third one soaked overnight for a total of about 20 hours.
I left them for about 36 hours, and the 20 hour mark is where they maxed out.

At the twenty hour point, the gummy has taken in all it can, and you’re done! Rum ‘n’ Coke Gummies!
It’s kind of gooey and flimsy, so I serve them on a plate with little appetizer forks or spoons for easier grabbing. As you’re scooping them onto a serving dish, you’ll find some of the gummies have locked into unholy embraces with one another. They pop apart pretty easily if you just wedge a spoon down between them.

If you can’t serve them immediately, cover them with plastic wrap and stick them in the fridge. But don’t leave them too long – once they’ve soaked up all they can, they start breaking down and turning into one giant gummy mass.
Which you could just cut in chunks and still enjoy, but it might not be as pretty.
The taste
It actually tastes somewhat like a Rum and Coke. The gummies alone have a cola taste that’s very strong on citrus. The rum adds sweet notes, something like butterscotch or caramel, and that mellows out the citrus. I enjoyed it.
Alcohol content
I have seen people claim one gummy can soak up a whole shot’s worth of alcohol, and others claim it hardly soaks up any. Of course it all varies depending if you’re using bears, worms or something else, and how big they are and so on.
I weighed these guys, and they each had soaked up about 2 grams or 0.1 ounce. The 5 ounce bag I used contained about 35 gummies, so if each one soaked up .1 ounces, then the whole serving contains about 3 1/2 ounces of alcohol.
That’s the equivalent of about two standard drinks for the whole 5 ounce bag of gummies.
See the whole easy process in my 1-minute video!
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