Nasty Woman and the Bad Hombre

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I thought about playing a drinking game with the third 2016 presidential debate, but I didn’t want to die of alcohol poisoning. If you watched it, you understand.

Whatever outcome we were all hoping for, one thing uniting us was our desire for this election to be over already. And so, the Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre cocktails were born.

Two cocktails on a table in front of liquor bottles

While many things said at the debate prompted controversy, those two phrases really stuck with me. They were just begging to become cocktail names. So I made it happen.

These two drinks have just one difference between them: one uses the delicious Eppa SupraFruta Organic Sangrias in red, and the other in white. If you’ve never had these bottled sangrias, you should. They contain real fruit juice and are just bursting with flavor. (I’ve used the White in some other original cocktails, like the Summer Heat and the Delta Heat.) If you can’t find these locally, you can order them or substitute with a homemade sangria of your own.

Ingredients for the two cocktails
Two drinks on table with fruit garnish

Nasty Woman cocktail recipe

What flavors do nasty women like? Why, coffee, chocolate and red wine, of course. So I put the red sangria with Tia Maria for the coffee flavor, and Aztec Chocolate Bitters for the chocolate. That was pretty good, but it needed ginger to bring it all together. So I added Domaine de Canton Ginger Liqueur. Then I realized the whole thing was way too low proof to help anyone cope with politics, so I added rum.

Nasty Woman drink in martini glass

Surprisingly, the whole cocktail starts off tasting like cherry cola – I think that came from the berry notes in the sangria combined with the espresso flavor of the Tia Maria. But then you get the ginger and the chocolate, and it’s all “sugar and spice and everything nice.” Only, nasty, of course.

  • 1 1/2 ounces white rum
  • 2 ounces Eppa SupraFruta Organic Red Sangria
  • 1/2 ounce Tia Maria
  • 3/4 ounce Domaine de Canton Ginger Liqueur
  • Several dashes Aztec Chocolate Bitters

Garnish by dropping some fruit right in. I went with mangoes, which I happened to have on hand, but you could also use berries, orange slices, whatever you like.

Bad Hombre cocktail recipe

The Bad Hombre is the same as the Nasty Woman, except I used Eppa SupraFruta Organic White Sangria instead of red. It tastes like mangoes, peach and blood orange. And the whole cocktail put together tastes like tart fruit with hints of mocha and ginger. In fact, I had to go just a little lighter on the ginger liqueur in this one, or it would have overwhelmed the drink.

Bad Hombre drink in rocks glass
  • 1 1/2 ounces white rum
  • 2 ounces Eppa SupraFruta Organic White Sangria
  • 1/2 ounce Tia Maria
  • 1/2 ounce Domaine de Canton Ginger Liqueur
  • Several dashes Aztec Chocolate Bitters

Garnish with fruit. Mango, orange and peach, ideally, but it’s a sangria, so just about any fruit will work.

Enjoy these drinks whenever you’re in the mood for something that’s sweet and spicy and easy to love. I’m thinking of making them my mainstays for future election coverage.

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Last Updated:

April 17, 2024